Loops.Expanded 2020-21

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Loops.Expanded 2020-21
Decentralized exhibition

The Loops.Expanded curatorial team has the pleasure of sharing the results of its work on the 2020 International Open Call. 

Just as we said when the submission phase has ended, the quality and diversity of the 257 submitted works is a testimony of the loop strengths and vitality. That’s the reason why we had a fascinating, but no easy (and slightly delayed) task. Fortunately enough, the submitted works enabled us having a real, beautiful and convincing discussion about purposes and meanings. 

So in this list, we are sharing the works for which we have a commitment to show. Each curatorial partner will select one or more works and, depending on local conditions, the form of the exhibition could include shows or screenings in museums, galleries, theatres or outdoors screenings, symposiums and/or masterclasses. Hopefully, we will have a second list of more confirmed exhibitions.

This network aims to not to function as a traditional jury that just selects or rejects, but rather as a curatorial group whose goal is to unite and exhibit a ‘treasure trove’ around the loop. The present list is the autonomous but convergent work of programmers representing moving image projects in five countries: António da Câmara (Duplacena / Festival Temps d’Images, Lisbon – Portugal). Mario Gutiérrez Cru & Araceli López (PROYECTOR, Madrid – Spain); Sandra Lischi (Ondavideo, Pisa – Italy); Tom Van Vliet (WWVF, Amsterdam – Netherlands); Jaqueline Beltrame and Alisson Avila (Cine Esquema Novo collective (Porto Alegre – Brazil) and Irit Batsry and Alisson Avila (Loops.Lisboa / Festival Temps d’Images, Lisbon – Portugal).

Thank you again to all the artists and collectives taking part in this international and decentralized network, dedicated to exhibiting and researching the concept and the form of the loop in video art / moving image. We want to explore an inter-related and interdependent approach in a global video art landscape and empower different perspectives to a unique form: from pre-cinema to the present time of computational, sound and audiovisual “infinite loops”.

The Loops.Expanded team


DEHORS/AUDELA (Italy): Aporia 2019, 13:20
Emanuele Dainotti (Italy): SANTA MARÍA 2018; infinite loop
Eunice Artur & agendas obscuras (Portugal): Pandopticon 2020, 13:32
Hasan Daraghmeh (Palestine): The Door 2020, 8:00
Ilaria Di Carlo (Italy): The Divine Way 2018, 15:00
Kika Nicolela (Brazil): Actus 2010, 16:00
Marc Clemente (Spain / Morocco): Gnawa Collective: Intrusion or Resource? 2020, 9:01
Miguel Escobar (Colombia): An Image of a Façade 2020, 12:40
Nacho Recio
(Spain): Ant 2014, 15:00
Shahar Marcus (Israel): Dig 2019, 5:35
Tseng Yu Chin (Taiwan): Shivering Wall; 2019, 10:01
W. Mark Sutherland (Canada): America a Videopoem 1988, 04:04


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