The National Museum of Contemporary Art- MNAC
Loops.Lisboa is transforming.
Five years ago Loops.Lisboa was born as an initiative of Festival Temps d’Images Lisboa with the complicity of The National Museum of Contemporary Art- Museu do Chiado with the aim to reflect on, and celebrate the Loop as a language. For our four first editions we organized a juried national Portuguese Open Call competition and exhibited the finalist loops at the museum.
For our fifth edition we are delighted to reveal the birth of an international network dedicated to the probing of the form of the Loop. Starting in 2020, the network partners will organize a series of projections, installations, encounters and interventions around the Loop.
The network is composed of Film and Video Art curators from several countries: Mario Gutiérrez Cru (PROYECTOR, Madrid – Spain); Sandra Lischi (INVIDEO, Pisa – Italy); Torn Van Vliet (WWVF, Amsterdam – Netherlands); Cine Esquema Novo collective (Porto Alegre – Brazil) and Loops.Lisboa/Festival Temps d’Images (Lisbon – Portugal).
To celebrate this new international direction, Loops.Lisboa 2019 edition will be showing an exhibition of Marcel Duchamp’s Anémic Cinéma (1926) and Bruce Nauman‘s Good Boy Bad Boy (1985) at The National Museum of Contemporary Art- Museu do Chiado.