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«Ondavideo» was born in Pisa in 1985, with a first exhibition dedicated to video-art. Since then, the activities, in collaboration with the University and the municipality of Pisa and with associations, festivals, Italian and foreign cultural institutions, has continued to this day. Artists, musicians, critics and scholars were invited to Pisa. Among the artists, Gene Youngblood, Woody Vasulka, Gianni Toti, Robert Cahen, Irit Batsry, Jem Cohen, Michel Chion, Dominique Smerzu, Michael Gaumnitz, Marina Grzinic, Matias Guerra, Marco Colonna, Leonardo Carrano, Ursula Ferrara, Michele Sambin and Pierangela Allegro, Giacomo Verde, Ugo Nespolo,  Christian Boustani, Patrick De Geetere, Studio Azzurro and many others.

Ondavideo has also produced some video-portraits of the city of Pisa and organized thematic screenings. Ondavideo collaborates with the international exhibition INVIDEO in Milan, which has established collaborations with FUSO (Lisbon) and has selected the video Retrato de Ulisses by João Cristovão Leitão from»Loops Lisboa» 2015.

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